Best Ad Strategy for Pest Control

November 27, 2020

In this episode of the Pest Control Internet Marketing, Andy is going to start by answering a question from one of his listeners.

The listener is wondering: What is the typical Return On Investment (ROI)?

This question is being asked all the time from those who are interested in potentially hiring Andy to manage their Google Ads. This is a valid question because the potential clients want to know the benefits they are going to get out of this.

The one rule here is that there’s a lifetime value of every client you get. So, if you received a Google Ads sale, and your reoccurring pest or wildlife control client last year was to say they’re not going to bring in a referral or upgrade services next year, then who gets credit for that?

Do you still count that towards Google Ads revenue from last year, or do you account it to the current customer? Thus, you have to establish your ground rules internally and have a good Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in order to gauge what’s working and what’s not.

Typically, looking at the raw data from month to month in terms of how much you spent and how much revenue you have, a wildlife control company is likely to see a 10-time Return On Investment (ROI).

For example, if you spent $2,000 in Google Ads, you should get around $20,000 in revenue through Google ads. That’s because wildlife control is usually a lot of exclusion work and a lot of high dollar type of jobs. Unfortunately, wildlife control is not a reoccurring business, it’s just a one-time service.

However, in pest control, there’s a lot of competition. Typically, Andy’s clients break even month to month. So, if they spend $2,000, they’ll make about $2,500 in revenue, unless they are also offering termites or bedbugs. But the great thing about Google Ads is that now they should have a solid number of reoccurring clients who pay their bills on time and are not going to leave, and live in a nice part of town.

In the main part of his podcast episode, Andy is going to talk about ads and explain what works best for pest control owners.

Google shows about three or four ads, and most often these are the Google local service ads, the Google Guarantee section, the Google Ads section, and the Google Map. It’s followed by the organic search results with some more ads at the bottom as well.

Google’s rule of thumb is that you have at least three ads per ad group. Andy likes to have at least three, sometimes up to six ads per ad group.

You have a campaign for your pest control services. Then you have certain ad groups under that, which are basically your categories like bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, etc.

Let’s assume bedbugs is an ad group and there are multiple ads under that ad group.

What works best is to have at least two expanded text ads. An expanded text ad is essentially a general static ad that Google displays.

So, when someone clicks on this ad, where does it go to? In the case of bedbugs, it should go specifically to the bedbugs page. You want to make sure the final URL is the actual page of the ad group that your keywords and ads are in.

Make sure to use keywords in your ad headlines. If your data is from the past months or even years, run the all-time report to find keywords that get the most impressions.

Look for all the keywords on your bedbug campaign or ad group to see what keywords get the most impressions and use them to show up as high as possible. Andy finds the impressions are best because more people are searching for that, so as long as it’s a servicing keyword, you want to really use it.

The path section of the ad is basically what Google displays. You could have your and then path one and path two could be anything as it really doesn’t matter what you put in there. You want to put keywords in there that are related to your topic, for example, bedbug control, and then maybe the city name.

In the descriptions’ sections you can have up to 90 characters. Here, you can talk about what you offer, for example, whether you are uniformed, do you have clearly marked vehicles, are you top-rated. You may talk about some of your reviews, and use call-to-actions.

Remember that majority of the time, people do not have time to read what you have to say. As long as you look professional at a first glance and seem like a reputable company, they’ll probably going to give you a call. So you want to really make sure that your ad speaks to that and give them the information they need right off the bat.

Andy likes using keyword insertion ads for pest control companies. He has already talked about keyword insertion ads in-depth, so you can listen to that episode for more explanation.

Keyword insertion ads and one expanded text ad would be great to use in your campaign.

The next thing you should be doing is a responsive ad. A responsive ad is essentially a dynamic ad that changes based on the user’s device, what they searched, or maybe their search history. Because this type of ad is Google’s preferred ad, you want to make sure you have one of these.

You can enter up to 15 headlines here so pick a bunch of headlines based on your keywords and what you want to say. Google will pick the best one based on the search query.

Also, you can have up to four descriptions with 90 characters each. Google will then pick the best variation when showing your ad. This is good as you don’t need to think of different strategies and different keywords.

If you want to listen to the full PCIM podcast episode, you can find it here.

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